Race for Life 2022 – 2nd July 2022

Cancer can affect all walks of life, every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. There are around 375,000 new cancer cases in the UK every year (2016-2018). 36% of all cancer cases in the UK are diagnosed in people aged 75 and over (2016-2018). 38% of cancer cases are preventable (2015).

What Can You Do?

Participating in fundraising events such as Race for Life can help Cancer Research UK to continue their research in understanding, early diagnosis and treatment. Any funds raised will cover research into 200 cancer types. Donating a few pennies can go a long way in cancer research and provides another step into finding preventable treatments and cures for future generations.

What Am I Doing?

I will be participating in the Race for Life on 2nd July at Kingston and Kempton Park with my sister, aunt, and uncle. Members of our own family and friends suffered from cancer and some are not with us anymore. Others have gone through treatment successfully and beat cancer. Our participation means a lot on a personal level and we will be remembering the heartache of receiving the dreaded cancer news that no one wants to hear. By participating in funding research we can help in the fight against it and hope to bring life-changing early diagnoses and treatments to be made available.

Donate To Our Cause

As highlighted, we will be running the Race for Life on 2nd July 2022 at Kingston and Kempton Park; you can help our cause and donate as much as you can. It can be anything small or large, every little bit will help. We are aiming to raise £100 as a group. I am aware that with price rises, everyone is feeling the pinch in their everyday living expenses. Do not worry if you can’t, your support is well appreciated as well. Only donate what you can. Feel free to share this post or share the donation page.

Donate Now

You can find more about Cancer Research UK and how they allocate the funds raised into what areas on their Facts and Figures About Our Research Funding page. If you want to get involved yourself or a group of family and friends, you can find your nearest event via their event calendar.


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