Looking Glass Portrait: Personal Holographic Display

A company called Looking Glass Factory designs personal holographic displays. They have just launched a Kickstarter for its new Looking Glass Portrait, which is smaller and affordable. The Looking Glass Portrait can operate as a standalone device so doesn’t need any external hardware.

How Does It Work?

The device displays holographic photos, videos, and 3D models in a 58-degree viewing cone which gives the 3D or hologram experience, which can be viewed by multiple people without the need for special glasses. The Looking Glass Portrait projects between 45 to 100 different views of 3D scenes to create a holographic look.

What Are The Specs?

The Looking Glass Portrait has a 7.9-inch display with HDMI, USB-C, and 3.5 stereo audio jack ports for getting media on and off the device. The device needs to be plugged into a power source and has a built-in Raspberry Pi 4 for standalone use.

How Do I Create a Hologram?

Using the HoloPlay Studio software you can upload your photos, videos, and 3D models to the device. Not only can you just upload your photos and videos, but you can also connect it to Microsoft’s Azure Kinect, Intel’s RealSense or Leap Motion Controller for more interactive holograms.

Video: Looking Glass Portrait by Looking Glass Factory


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