15 Things You Can Learn From Sports

Sports has had a huge influence on my development into who I am today. From playing football, hockey, basketball, badminton, sprinting and many other sports. Here are 15 things that sports have taught me while participating in sports both in a competitive and leisure environment.

1. Confidence

Sports provide a platform for you to shine and feel good about yourself. Whether it is through training or competitive matches, playing sports enables you to come out of your shell and discover more about yourself. Through training, you start to develop certain skills, over time as you refine your skill you will grow in confidence. In life, opportunities will be placed in front of you to shine.

2.  Hard work pays off

Achieving success in sports requires hard work and dedication. Success cannot be achieved overnight. The endless hours of training contribute to your success or the success of your team. To gain new skills or become better at something it will take endless hours of training and repetitive action to become more efficient so that you will be able to execute the skill with ease and accuracy.

3. Problem-solving

During competitive games, you find yourself finding a tactical advantage over a superior opponent. The ability to access the situation and find a way to get around the problem will make you more adaptable to situations and solve problems to achieve your goal. In business and in life you will come face to face with challenges, by having the mentality to problem solve and never give up makes a great attribute.

4. Self-discipline

To become a top athlete and perform at a top level it requires a lot of self-discipline to train and eat well to maintain your performance level. By having self-discipline you will be able to perform at your highest level and maintain quality in your work. In the business world, self-discipline is important as there will be times when you have to do boring administrative tasks but they need to be done. This is where self-discipline is important to stick to your plan and follow through to the end.

5. Communication

Whether you are participating in an individual sport or team sport, communication is key whether it’s communicating with your coaching staff or teammates. By learning to communicate effectively, you can help your colleagues or managers to make the right decision at the right time. Communication also helps processes to work more efficiently as all the information required is communicated correctly.

6. Teamwork

Teamwork is essential in sports to become successful. In sports, you cannot achieve success on your own whether it is an individual sport or team sport, you will require help and support from coaching staff and teammates. Being able to work within a team will enable you to identify and make use of the strengths within your team to achieve the common goal.

7. Self-motivation

Whether it is just going to training or finding a way to push past an opponent you will need self-motivation to keep going through difficult times to achieve success. Your body and mind will tell you to give up but if you have the self-motivation to push past any self-doubt you can achieve greater and more amazing feats.

8. Decision Making

During a duration of a single match, an athlete can make thousands of decisions that can contribute to the failure or success of a match. You will need the ability to assess the environment and make decisions quickly. In business, decision-making can affect the success or failure of a team or the business as a whole. A wrong decision may come back to hurt you in the future.

9. Failure is a positive thing

Sports teach you that at times you will not be successful in everything you do. Sometimes it requires trial and error of new training techniques and tactics to see what works better in certain situations. Remember nobody is born perfect. Trying new things allows you to adapt to the new landscape and enables you to continue to develop and stay ahead of the competition. It's all about what you do with that failure that will make you better in the future.

10. Self-evaluate

In a sporting career, athletes will have good and bad days just like anyone else. Being able to self-evaluate what went right and what went wrong allows athletes to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. By identifying areas of improvement, they can implement training or new processes to improve on those weaknesses. Having the ability to self-evaluate allows you to improve what you do in business and means your team and business will improve and become more successful.

11. Competitive Edge

As we know sport is a competitive environment where players compete against each other to show who is better. Having that competitive edge in business means you are always pushing to stay at the top and improve. That competitive edge will help to push boundaries and deliver outstanding results.

12. Planning

Game plans and tactics are vital in competitive sports, a well-defined plan means you have taken into account the opponent’s weaknesses and different scenarios that could happen to win the match. In business, this is the same thing. It is important to have a plan that has considered all scenarios and the actions required to ensure the business continues to operate effectively no matter what happens. A well-defined plan for a project or business-as-usual operation means your team or business is ready for the unexpected. This means your reaction is almost instant.

13. Respect

Respect can be defined as showing compassion and empathy for other people and their lives. Sport teaches you to respect teammates, coaches, opponents, and spectators. You cannot be successful in business without respect. To progress in business or life you must be open to suggestions and criticisms instead of coming up with excuses or tearing down teammates. Successful people will take ownership of their actions and learn from them.

14. Focus

To be successful in sports, you will need to be focused to achieve your goal whether it is to score more goals or to win a title. Focus is vital for success. This is the same in business and in life. The focus will be important to ensure everything produced is of the highest quality and stay on track to achieve your business or life goals.

15. Leadership

Sports provides a platform for athletes to be leaders and role models within their team or sport community. Great sporting leaders can understand how to get the best out of individuals or become perfect role models to push the sport forward.  Great leaders in businesses can identify ways to get the best out of their team while moving the whole team forward as a whole to achieve business goals. The best leader will be the perfect role model that sets expectations that their team have to follow.


Sports will teach anyone a wide variety of life skills that can make you successful in life and in business. By learning these skills early on, you will gain an advantage over others in the job market and become a valuable asset to your business.  The competitive edge gained from sports will enable you to continue to grow within your business and push boundaries even further. It is never too late to participate in sports whether it is competitive or for leisure. Sports have many benefits, both physically and mentally. As highlighted in this post, sports also teach valuable life skills that will help you to become a successful person in work or life. Just remember, there will be bad days when everything will not go right but it's about what you do and how you respond to make your life or business easier and more successful in the future.

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