15 Ways To Become A Better Leader

Anyone can give out orders but an effective leader requires more to have a major impact on the team they manage but also the company as a whole. Effective leaders can make employees happier, more productive, and more connected to the organisation they work for; this has a positive ripple effect that reaches across all parts of the business, both internal and external.

Great leadership is required to assemble and drive a team in the same direction to overcome challenges and achieve amazing things. Take a look at the video below where the Red Bull Racing team managed to change tyres in 1.82s during a competition. Every member of the team have to know their role and work with each other to achieve a goal otherwise they will let their driver down, this will in turn mean less points for the driver and for the team.

Video: Formula 1 Pit Stop World Record by DHL

Here are 15 ways to become a better leader:

1. Give trust to build trust

When leading a team, you have to show that you are willing to go out on a limb for your team to show you have their backs. Showing genuine interest in the team’s wellbeing shows you care and are willing to protect them when necessary.

2. Be a Coach

One part of being a leader is to inspire your team to help execute a common goal via an open and honest environment without taking information personally. Find ways to energise, motivate, and show confidence in your team. Take advantage of performance reviews to provide opportunities for growth and development in specific areas. Giving credit where it’s due is a great way to build confidence.

3. Become a great communicator

Understand what’s happening around you by observing and listening. A great leader is always a skilled communicator not only as a speaker but as a listener.

4. Be part of the team

The acronym for Team stands for ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’. Great leadership comes from those who see themselves as part of the team and are willing to roll up the sleeves and do what it takes to support, help, guide, and mentor.

5. Recognise the strength of members of your team

Learn to quickly notice the strengths of people and best equip them to help them build on their strengths and grow in the most productive direction.

6. Stop Micromanaging

A leader that micromanages is not allowing their team to perform at their best level. Micromanaging does not allow the talented to excel, the gifted to produce, and the experience to make the best use of their skills. Great leaders take a step back and give people the room they need to do their best.

7. Hold people accountable

The derailment of leadership is when people are not held accountable, don’t let those slacking get away with it. Stick to your principles and your team stays highly functional.

8. Be Honest

Inform your team of good and bad news, it’s best to establish a calm environment for your team so they are unlikely to be hit with unpleasant surprises.

9. Keep calm

Stay focused and if you feel overwhelmed, take a walk, take a break or walk away from your desk for a bit. Never allow yourself to correct them in anger. Your team will make mistakes; calmly explain the situation and what you expect them to do in the future.

10. Set an example

Be the kind of leader you want to follow yourself. Be a role model for your team, if you want them to be punctual then you should be punctual yourself.

11. Stay curious

You will not know everything. Curiosity is one of the main traits of a great leader to develop yourself and the team. Stay passionate, curious, and committed to learning something new.

12. Patience

Patiently wait for the right opportunity and do not swing at every pitch. Do not obsess over the result but the process to achieve the result. Champions are not developed overnight but developed over time, it’s the lessons learnt on the journey to success that strengthens the team and yourself.

13. Delegate Roles/Tasks

Build trust among members of your team means you can trust them with certain tasks. The goal of delegating is not just to free yourself up but to facilitate teamwork and provide autonomy which will lead to better decision making.

14. Share your vision

Great leaders will have a vision and purpose. Sharing your vision with your team, your team will be able to see the big picture of where they are heading. A great leader will go above and beyond to explain why they are moving in the direction they are moving to.

15. Be yourself

There is no point being a person you are not. Your personality and skill got you here in the first place, stick to your beliefs but with an open mind to change those beliefs.


No one is born a great leader. A great leader is developed over time through experiences. There is not a manual on how to become a great effective leader. Being a leader is not about knowing all the answers but leadership is about coaching those around you to improve as employees and as individuals. They may disappoint you but that’s how we learn from the disappointment to improve ourselves and become better individuals than we were yesterday. Hopefully, the tips listed above have given you a couple of pointers to help with your leadership skills. Remember you got to be a leader for who you are and what you can do. Do not change or forget what got you to this position. Be your true self to become the leader that others believe you can be.

Video: Sir Alex Ferguson Secrets of Success

Find out how Sir Alex Ferguson, ex manager of Manchester United for 26 years managed to turn a trophy less club to a club that has won 38 trophies during his time at Manchester United. Discover how he managed to stay successful in a results driven environment. Producing a winning team every year and rebuilding for future success.


I can recommend watching The Playbook on Netflix. The Playbook gives you insight of different coaches in different sporting disciplines. They help identify certain rules they follow and tell you certain situations they have dealt with in their coaching career. The documentary provides a great insight in leading a team and how to motivate your team to get the best out of them.


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