Things to do while in isolation

We are going through a tough period with Covid-19 spreading across the world, causing countries to stop functioning, and isolating their citizens inside their own homes. Here are a few things to do while you are in isolation:

Read a book

Reading a book can get you away from the real world and indulge your brain’s creativity, as your brain will need to interpret the words to create a world in your mind. Reading a book will pass many hours while in isolation.

Explore photography

While in isolation, experiment with photography. Consider lighting and different angles on the subject. Give yourself a challenge and you can use Youtube videos to learn about lighting and new techniques.

Learn new food recipes

As food stocks start to diminish and we start to buy odd ingredients, maybe it’s a good idea to use this situation to experiment and discover new dishes or new ways to cook the same ingredient. Challenging yourself will improve your cooking skills and allow you to explore ingredients that you will never consider.

Sign up to online courses/lessons

Use this opportunity to learn a new skill. With the availability of YouTube and other digital learn platforms it is now easier to learn or improve your skills.

Binge on TV Shows

They are tons of digital platforms that provide endless hours of entertainment such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Maybe start those TV series that you have not had time to start yet.

Start doing those house chores

We all have that list of house chores that you have been putting off, maybe use this time to go through them and be productive. Start crossing items off that list.

Start playing board games with family

As we are in isolation, it will allow you to spend time with family. Start playing board games together or just talk to each other. Talk about what is going on with your life or go through family photos and talk about happy memories.

Start a mini-workout regime

Invent a mini indoor workout regime and maybe stream with friends and family and be their trainer. This will allow you to help others but also socialise while you are isolated.

During this isolation, it is a good opportunity to be more productive and focus on yourself. With the busy lifestyles that we have sometimes we forget about family and ourselves. This isolation may allow you to centre yourself internally and let you re-evaluate your life goals and what objects or people are important in your life.


3 Weeks in isolation and COVID-19


Youtube workouts to do at home