Chatbots in 2020

Chatbot technology has been growing over recent years alongside artificial intelligence technology. Chatbot technology has made a huge impact in the customer service industry providing a cost-effective way to deal with customer questions. Adoption and usage are expected to increase where 70-90% of all customer enquiries will be handled by a bot. Text-based communications are more favourable with younger users who are expected to be the dominant market in the next few years. Messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook have enabled companies to offer a more bespoke one to one customer service.

Chatbot technology will be expected to be implemented internally in departments such as IT helpdesk and customer relationship management platforms. Chatbots will be able to resolve simples issues and provide guidance for internal staff. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, chatbots will be able to replicate human characteristics giving more human-like customer service. By interesting AI into a chatbot, the service can be made available 24/7 and slowly learn human behaviour which will mean the service will continue to improve and become more advanced.

Integration of Chabot’s into instant messaging channels will enable companies to improve brand awareness as well as provide a high-quality service by enabling users to enquiry and book items straight from their own mobile device. Along with the emergence of voice assistants, bots will soon be able to verbally communicate with customers.

Chatbots will continue to involve and become more intelligent to provide more high-quality customer service 24/7. The evolution of the AI sector will certainly benefit the chatbot industry. With industries slowly implementing chatbot technology internally as well as externally, expect more services to adopt chatbox technology to reduce cost and improve customer experience with their brand.


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