Hydrogen (FCEVs) vs Electric (BEVs) Cars

Electric vehicles are currently the main combustion engine alternative with many manufacturers and countries pushing electric vehicles to meet sustainability targets. Other manufacturers such as BMW and Toyota are exploring alternatives such as hydrogen vehicles that provide several benefits that electric vehicles do not.

Hydrogen Cars (FCEV)

How do Hydrogen Cars Work?

Hydrogen fuel cell electric cars use an electric motor driven by an electrochemical reaction. The reaction uses high-pressure hydrogen gas and oxygen fed into hydrogen fuel cells to produce electricity and water vapour. A hydrogen car consists of a hydrogen tank that stores highly pressured hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas meets the anode and cathode in the fuel cells; hydrogen molecules break into water (protons) and electricity (electrons) to power the car. The electricity produced is stored in the battery to power the motor that moves the wheels.

hydrogen car

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Cars

Hydrogen cars store highly pressurised hydrogen gas in hydrogen tanks that only take minutes to refill due to its time-effective process. Hydrogen cars can offer a range of 300-400 miles on a single tank. In the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen gas and oxygen, the only by-product produced is water making hydrogen cars zero emission.

Currently producing hydrogen is energy-intensive and relies on non-renewable sources to produce hydrogen gas. Hydrogen-powered cars are not cheap and refuelling charge differs considerably among different countries due to manufacturing costs. There is limited refuelling stations and infrastructure therefore giving hydrogen cars to not be viable option.

Electric Cars (BEV)

How do Electric Cars Work? 

Electric cars use electricity instead of petrol and diesel. An electric car uses an electric motor driven by the electric current stored in the lithium-ion battery. The stored electrical energy is used to drive the electric motor and the power system of the car. Electric cars have a large battery pack located inside the vehicle which needs charging via a charging outlet or charging station. Electric cars have regenerated braking which regenerates energy from wheels when brakes are applied and restores energy in the battery.  

Electric car

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Cars

The charging infrastructure for electric cars is more developed when compared to hydrogen cars with governments worldwide investing more into the infrastructure. Electric cars run silently and produce no pollution. Electric cars are affordable, and the cost of recharging batteries is convenient. Electric cars contain fewer moving parts, are more reliable, and require less maintenance resulting in less maintenance cost.

A major factor is the limited range that electric cars have as the batteries power both the electric motor and vehicle systems. The lifespan of the batteries is limited and can be difficult to dispose of them properly. Batteries will need to be replaced regularly as batteries degrade over time and are unable to hold their charge for a long period. Now there are a limited amount of charging stations available currently however more are being developed. Production of batteries requires lithium and cobalt-like materials that cause a lot of environmental damage to acquire them.


Electric and hydrogen cars provide good sustainable alternatives to combustion engines with many automobile manufacturers continuing to develop the technologies for each type. Hydrogen provides more convenience due to its shortened refuelling process but lacks the refuelling infrastructure. Further development will be needed in the manufacturing of hydrogen gas and the technologies needed. On the other hand, electric vehicles have over the years the technology has been refined but governments are still in the process of putting in the necessary infrastructure to support the mass uptake of electric vehicles. The materials needed to manufacture the batteries are slowly decreasing and extracting the materials damages the environment. At the moment electric vehicles are the better alternative however, hydrogen cars have the potential to gain traction soon.


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