Future Technologies That Will Change the World

Technology moves at a rapid pace with new innovations being developed. Many technological advancements have the potential to change the world.

Hydrogen Planes

Carbon emission is a huge concern around the world with many countries moving towards a greener future with the adoption of electric vehicles. Another mode of transport that will need an alternative sustainable solution is aeroplanes. One solution could be Hydrogen fuelled planes for which the UK government has backed a project called Fly Zero. The project’s concept is for a mid-size plane to be powered by liquid hydrogen. Hydrogen planes would only produce water as a by-product. At the moment it takes a lot of energy to produce liquid hydrogen which counterbalances the sustainability objective of developing a sustainable energy source.


3D Printed Bones

3D printing technology has been around for some time, giving users the ability to print their parts, products, houses and food items. 3D printing can also be used to manufacture bone replacements. A company called Ossiform prints bones from tricalcium phosphate which has similar properties to human bones. MRI scans can help create 3D models of the replacement needed and the surgeon can accept the design once printed for it to be used in surgery. The printed bones are made with a porous structure enabling cells to attach and reform bone.

Digital Twin Technology for Tracking Health

I have mentioned digital twin technology before in a previous post which can be found here. In summary using sensors we can capture live data to create a digital twin of the physical object and using the information we can see indications of any diseases to arise. 


Natural Language Processing

You may have seen some elements of natural language processing through predictive text from your smartphone but there have been further developments in natural language processing. The company OpenAI has developed a Chatbot known as ChatGPT which has been trained on billions of examples of text, and taught how to form coherent and logical sentences. ChatGPT is an AI that has the ability to write entire-length books and make conversations.

Space Tourism

Companies like Virgin Galactic, Space X and Amazon’s Blue Origin are working on commercial space flight technology which will give us the ability to travel into space and beyond.

Space X

Sand Batteries

A company called Polar Night Energy has been working on technology to turn sand into batteries. When combined with green energy technology like wind and solar farms, sand batteries can be used to store energy as heat. Sand can be heated up to 500 degrees Celsius and then discharged to warm buildings and water.


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