James Phang

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How to Be a Team Player

Being a good team player can help you achieve your work goals.  When completing tasks or projects you can get the job done by yourself. Leaving out co-workers in email threads, working long hours or making decisions without input from others. In the long run, it can harm you and your career.

Everyone from entry-level to directors must work with other people to achieve their objectives. Your team is comprised of people who can help make or break your goals. You will need the right people by your side to follow your dreams If you don’t work well with others you could burn out from the effort of trying to do everything alone.

Here are some tips to be a better team player:

Cultivate The Genius In Others

Most of the time we focus on our success rather than helping others succeed. Most leaders will need to shift their focus outward to help others succeed, people will naturally gravitate towards you because you will inspire and empower them to realise their potential.

Be a Good Communicator

Communication skills are vital in career development. Being able to actively listen, relay your ideas clearly, and take and receive feedback effectively will help you advance quicker and connect with your team. By being self-aware, practising empathy and improving emotional regulation, you will have a better understanding of your biases and triggers and can put yourself in their shoes.

Be Flexible to Others’ Work Styles

Don’t assume others work and interact the way you do. Start by observing others and see what they prefer when communicating. Do they take emails or calls? Do they need a discussion before making a decision? If the answers are different you should consider being flexible with your work style. You will get more done and people will be drawn to work with you.

Never Play The Blame Game

Nothing good comes from throwing your team under the bus. In a team environment, some people will fail to live up to commitments. Being a contributing and positive member of a team means finding productive ways to handle those interactions.

Support and be Supported

Motivate your team by sharing positive feedback, expressing gratitude for their hard work, and asking them often if they need help. Make sure you don’t take on more than you can handle. High-performing teams feel supported and validated by others.

Know Your Role and Limits

You should be aware of how you fit into the team and what is expected from you. You should also be realistic about how much you can take on as others will depend on you to deliver. Be transparent about your strengths and weaknesses to help others understand how you can contribute.

Be Open Minded

Teamwork involves bringing together a diverse set of individuals with unique perspectives and skills. By being open to different approaches and techniques you will learn something new and encourage co-workers to share innovative ideas.

Avoid Office Politics

Office politics can create a toxic work environment even when working remotely. Strong teamwork is important to a healthy work culture. To achieve this always treat co-workers with respect and don’t become an office gossip. If you have an issue with a peer, try to address it with the person directly before highlighting it to your manager or human resources.

How to Build a Successful Team

It is important to be a team player and provide support for others to succeed. It is also important to build an environment that encourages collaboration between team members. Read my blog on How to Build a Successful Team.