What Is An E-Bike?

Electric vehicles are the future with a big push on affordable electric cars to be widely available for consumers. Cycling is another eco-friendly way of travelling to places. The bicycle requires a lot of manual input to move the bicycle, especially going uphill. To help cyclists with their long commute E-bikes are the way forward.

Here are a few reasons to buy an E-bike:

Makes Pedalling Easier

E-bikes are bikes with batteries that can assist with pedalling. When pedalling, a small motor engages and gives you a boost allowing you to zip up hills and cruise at an incredible speed. Some bikes will have a button for the cyclist to engage the boost when needed.

Go Pretty Fast

The harder you pedal, the bigger the boost, and the faster you will ride. E-bike motors are limited to a certain speed preventing the e-bikes from cruising at a high speed. E-bike will decrease your travel time without having to break a sweat.

Helps Novice Riders

E-bikes can help novice riders to build confidence and endurance. The battery powered assist will be able to help novice riders to cover long distances with ease while the rider builds up endurance.

While E-bikes are a greater alternative to cars for commutes there are some negative points to e-bikes that you should consider. Here are some reasons to consider:


Now, e-bikes are expensive when compared to ordinary bicycles due to the inclusion of an electric motor. Prices start around £599 and could go up to £2000 depending on the model.


E-bikes are generally heavier due to the battery, motor, extra components, and reinforced frame. They will be more difficult to put on a bike rack with the extra weight. With electric motor assist, cycling an e-bike will be easy even with this extra weight.

Battery Life

At the moment, battery life tends to range from 35 to 100miles. Your range depends on the amount of power you draw from the motor. If you buzz around on ‘turbo’ all day, the range will decrease significantly. Battery technology is improving over time with battery life increasing.


E-bikes are a great addition for any level of cyclist. The electric motor will enable cyclists to get to their destination in no time. As battery technology improves, the range of the electric motor will improve. Prices should decrease gradually as the technology and manufacturing improve, enabling e-bikes to be available to a wider consumer base.


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