7 Factors That Influence User Experience

As more businesses move towards customer-centric designs, businesses will need to consider a variety of factors that will help build a pleasant, simple and seamless user experience. 7 factors influence the usability and user experience.


As our lives continue to be occupied by work and interests, we have no time to waste. It’s best to have digital assets or features that are useful to the customer. For example, a useful feature would be a reviews section for a product. You see this works well on Amazon product pages. Customers can see whether the product is useful and meets their needs from other people who have purchased the product.


Even though the feature might be useful to the customer but if the feature is not usable then it will be hard for a customer to make good use of it. For example, having an application full of cool icons but not having the labels to accompany them will make it harder to use for the user.


If your application or website provides a lot of useful and necessary information but is difficult to find will irritate the users. For example, Amazon continues to optimise their navigation and search engine to help a user find the correct product they are looking for.


Users need to trust your brand and the products/services you provide. Without trust, your customer will not buy any products or services from you. Often companies would have testimonials from past customers that have used their services, this often is shown via text or a video.


Having well sought after products/services that are created around design, emotional design, branding, image, company lifestyle and aesthetics will help you gain a large fan base that will follow your brand no matter what. Apple has done this well by creating elegant products that attract people and will buy those products no matter what price.


Creating a brand that is accessible to a wider audience will help your brand reach a variety of different customer types. For example, building a mobile-friendly website will mean users that navigate via smartphone will get the same experience as desktop users.


Providing a user experience that can enrich the lives of your customers will make it a memorable, experience and will encourage them to come back for more. For example, dbrand a company that provides you skins for a variety of devices provides a bespoke service, which allows you to add your design, and they will print it for your desired device.


User experience is vital for any business to build a strong customer-centric brand. By focusing on your customers, you will be able to build products/services that your customers need/demand. Using the 7 factors listed above, you will be able to build and provide a user experience that will encourage repeated transactions with your brand.


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