How To Build a Successful Team?

Building a successful team can be a great challenge for many top leaders. It requires bringing together a group of people with a variety of opinions, work experiences, upbringings, team experiences, goals, and communication skills to work effectively together towards a common goal. A successful team will be able to help propel the growth of your business and become a dominating force within your department or industry.

There are 5 key areas that contribute to a successful team.

1. Safe Work Environment

By providing a safe work environment that enables them to take risks in the workplace but also speak the truth without the fear of being judged by leaders or colleagues. Developing a safe environment will enable your team to communicate more effectively and efficiently with one another. Miscommunication can come from the fear of being judged or afraid of the consequences of speaking the truth.

2. Dependability and Accountability

For a team to function well each member of the team will need to trust each member will be able to get things done on time at a high level of excellence. This level of trust will need to come from the leader as well to allow the team to work efficiently without the need to look over their shoulder.

Every single member of the team will need to understand where the organisation is going and what is expected of him or her to help the organisation achieve his or her goal.

3. Clarity

To empower each member of the team to perform at their best, they will need a clear understanding of how their role fits within the organisation, how individual KPIs influence the company success. A major key to success is to ensure each employee knows what good quality looks like and what is needed to be achieved every week and month.

4. Purpose

A key to building a successful high-performance team, leaders will need to create and communicate a compelling vision for team members to buy into and lead their team by example.

5. Impact

Members of your team will want to make a positive impact on the success of the business. Leaders will need to empower the correct tools and support for them to make a positive impact. Providing KPIs will allow you to identify whether the team or individuals are making an impact within the company.


Building a successful team does not happen overnight, this will require persistence and discipline to build a cohesive team. Once a successful team has been built, the next challenge is to motivate the team to improve and stay at the top. Leaders will need to utilise each team member’s skillsets for the team to function at their highest capacity. As well as providing opportunities to strengthen their weaknesses for them to grow personally. When one member improves, the whole team improves.


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