Future of Microsoft Team: Microsoft Mesh

As we continue to work from home, the concept has enabled employers the ability to recruit the best-skilled employees from anywhere in the world without a physical office nearby. Work collaboration can be difficult through messaging and screen sharing to share ideas and problem solve. Microsoft has created a hologram-based mixed reality communication platform called Microsoft Mesh.

Video: Introducing Microsoft Mesh by Microsoft

What are the benefits of Microsoft Mesh?

Microsoft Mesh allows people from different locations to join a shared virtual environment and using 3D capture technology creates a hologram of each person. The one key benefit of Microsoft Mesh is to allow organisations to do mixed reality gatherings with everyone in the same room, enhancing the collaborative experience that currently is missing from Microsoft Teams. The Mesh platform is built on top of Azure that enables architects, engineers and designers to share 3D physical models without being in the same room.

How to access Microsoft Mesh?

Microsoft Mesh will be available on a variety of devices such as their HoloLens2 and other virtual reality headset, tablets, smartphones and PCs.  A preview version of the Microsoft Mesh app is available on HoloLens 2. Microsoft is hoping to integrate Mesh with Teams and Dynamics 365 in the future.


Microsoft Mesh provides a futuristic opportunity for how meetings and collaborations could be done. The price of HoloLens 2 is expensive reducing the accessibility to a few numbers of people and the technology needed for the 3D capture technology would be all be an expensive add on. The use of this platform would probably require a quick internet connection with the amount of data being transferred from the holograms of individuals, 3D models and any files being shared. For the Microsoft Mesh platform to be made accessible a lot of improvements in technological infrastructure needs to be invested as well as reducing the price of virtual reality headsets.


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