6 Digital Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2021

The ongoing pandemic has driven businesses to increase their digital presence. Many have discovered digital marketing can be a lifeline to ensure their business continues to bring customers to use their services. With many customers staying at home for the time being, here are 6 marketing trends to look for in 2021.


2020 has seen a focus on inclusivity with headlines showing the significance of inclusivity currently and historically. Younger generations and marginalised groups want to see a more optimistic depiction of equality in the content they consume as well as the brands they purchase from. 2021 will see digital marketing content to include media and subject matters that cover a variety of races, sexualities, religions as well as representation of people with physical disabilities and learning disabilities.


As well as inclusivity, 2020 has seen the environmental benefits of a decrease in the use of cars due to lockdown. Countries around the world are increasing their efforts in reducing their carbon footprint with the UK announcing the country will no longer sell petrol or diesel cars from 2030. 2021 will see companies communicating their sustainable practices and what they are going to implement to contribute to the fight against climate change. There are plenty of ways for a brand to communicate sustainability such as displaying a banner on the site, discussing sustainability on social media platforms, incorporating sustainable merchandise or conveying green themes within the brand’s identity.  

Lead with Purpose and Engage with Empathy

Organisations with a greater sense of ‘why’ are better equipped to navigate unprecedented change. Companies that place customers, workforce, and community before the services get rewarded with new business and customer loyalty as well as strengthening brand recognition. The younger generation is now considering the brands’ purpose as an important factor in their buying decisions. Loyal customers will continue to advertise your product to peers if they truly believe in what your company is trying to achieve. Customer is now more willing to post their disappointments on social media as well as a move to a different service provider. Placing your ‘why’ at the centre of your operation will ensure long-term commitment to embed purpose across the company.

Using AR in digital engagement

Augmented Reality has been around for a while now but with power smartphones becoming more affordable, AR content can be more accessible to consumers. Especially now customers cannot go into a physical store to view products, Amazon and Ikea are using AR to help customers decide if the furniture fits in well with their current furniture. Google has unleashed their AR zoo onto the world allowing users to view animals in their living room if you search certain animals on Google on your smartphone. Take a look at my blog post for more information on Google’s AR animals.

Local SEO

For small businesses, the most important thing is to ensure your local listing is verified and kept current on various search platforms. Businesses that draw primarily on a local level, Google My Business provides valuable information such as an address, services and opening times. With today’s situation, it is as important to ensure your business are kept up-to-date along with the latest COVID-19 update from your local government. This will help your customers to stay informed with your opening times and what services you are offering during this disruptive period.  

Live interactions

2020 has seen a huge uptake of virtual events with the likes of Apple using digital technologies to announce upcoming products via a virtual event. Virtual events can attract a greater audience and save money on hiring a venue to host an event. 2021 will see greater interaction between brands and customers at these virtual events such as virtual viewings, concerts, and announcement events. Use of social media can add interactivity between your content and customer base through interactive polls and Live social media events.


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