13 Things That Highly Efficient People Do

We all know that there is a person who always gets things done and you sit there wondering how they do it? Sometimes you may describe them as a machine or a robot because surely a simple human being cannot work quickly as they do.

Efficient people still have to overcome challenges like:

  • Procrastinating on tasks, both small or large

  • Boring work that just needs to get done

  • Responding to email

  • Staying motivated and energised throughout the day

  • Focusing and finishing the most important projects on their plates

Here are 13 things that highly efficient people do which you might consider implementing into your day to day life.

1. Manage your energy

Managing time is a huge part of being productive but energy management is also as important. There is a logic of tackling big difficult tasks early in the day where you are full of energy. This means you will be able to get them done in less time than if you had done them if you were drained.

2. Sharpen the axe

Practice makes better. The more time you spend getting better at tasks saves time on those tasks in the future. By dedicating time to improve you will be able to respond more efficiently to a variety of situations.

3. Fill up the tank

Email templates and prioritisation are ways to improve your productivity. Highly productive people spend time recharging. This means getting enough sleep every night, exercising, and eating healthy. Taking care of yourself is a crucial part of efficient work habit.

4. Do not multitask

These days we have so many distractions from phones to having non-productive conversations with people. When multitasking, you are rapidly switching focus between two things. Every time you switch you have to refocus, which takes time. Listening to music while cleaning is different as they both use different mental resource. Avoiding multitasking can be simple by closing your email, focusing on one task at a time.

5. Plan for when things go wrong

You can have planned things from start to finish but it always happens when little fires start popping up that requires your attention. Highly productive people acknowledge that everyone underestimates how long it will take to finish tasks. We often forget to take account for tasks or responsibilities that are not in our calendars or planned yet. Next week only seems open because not everything is scheduled in yet. Plan for interruptions and create contingency plans as it will allow you to adapt quickly when unplanned problems arise.

6. Break tasks into smaller pieces

People often procrastinate because their tasks seem daunting. If you have a task that is large in scope and not very specific, you will find it more challenging to tackle those tasks. By breaking the large task into smaller tasks, it will help you to get things done faster so you don’t have to think about where to start. If each item is specific you can tackle them in order.

7. 80/20 rule

Highly productive individuals will identify the most important 20% of their work and look at ways to cut down the other 80% to find more time for the things that make a huge impact.

8. Improve your environment

Your environment will also affect how productive you are. Is your desk a cluttered mess that gives you anxiety as soon as you walk into your office? Look how pleasant your desk is, do you have any music or images that spark creativity? Improving your work efficiency also means ensuring that your desk enables you to be efficient.

9. Listen to music

The noise around the office can cause distractions so wearing headphones and listening to some upbeat music or podcasts will help you stay productive and get you in the zone. Wearing headphones shows your colleagues that you are concentrating and would rather not be disturbed.

10. Make clear plans

We usually have a long list of things to do, make a clear plan of how you are going to approach your day and stick to it. By adopting a more disciplined approach, you have more control over your time. Each morning, list out 3-5 things you want to achieve that day and write them in the order you wish to achieve them.

11. Give everything a proper place

You may find yourself looking for a pen, post-it note, or scissors. Give them a proper place, store them properly so you don’t have to waste time looking for those items when you need them. By being organised, you eliminate wasting vital minutes on an unnecessary task and continue to focus on important tasks.

12. Take breaks

Take small breaks away from your task. First, use the breaks to offer you much-needed rest. Secondly, use those breaks to deal with distractions such as social media or getting a drink that might break your focus later.

13. Encourage investigation before contacting you

You may find yourself answering questions all the time, which may cause you to halt what you are doing to tend to issues/problems. Try to get colleagues to investigate them themselves before they go to you. Most of the time issues can be sorted out by themselves but also it encourages colleagues to problem solve themselves and next time the problem appears, they know what to do or where to look.


Highly productive individuals are organised and disciplined to stay on course to finish off tasks. Over years of practising improving their efficiency and completing tasks, they can finish tasks in no time. The main points are to have a clear approach of the upcoming day, do one task at a time, streamline your workflow through trial and error, and most of all, stay focused. Do not let big tasks overwhelm you; break them into small achievable tasks. Plan for interruptions in your day by keeping parts of your day free to deal with sudden issues.


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