Christmas Reflection 2020

As we sit down and eat our Christmas dinner, enjoying the company of family and close friends either physically or virtually, this precious moment of togetherness gives us an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices we as humanity have gone through this year. Take a look at your dinner plate and imagine the sacrifices it took to get food on your plate. The food served on your plate could be from another country and picked by an unknown individual who is working through this difficult time. Think about all the hard work and sacrifices people have gone through to get the dinner on the plate from farmers, delivery drivers, supermarket workers to the very person that brought and cooked dinner for you tonight.


Remember the countless emergency service workers working through one of the deadliest years known to this generation to keep everyone safe and combat the virus. Think about the individuals that won't be with their families today from the loved ones we have lost this year, individuals working today to keep us safe, and the drivers that are stranded in an unknown country away from family.

With every bite, we take from our Christmas dinner, enjoy the warmth, taste, and love that have gone into your Christmas dinner. Enjoy the moment with your family and friends, and appreciate the light they bring into your life through this horrid time.

Better Tomorrow

Remember the sacrifices we endure today brings light for a better tomorrow for our family and friends. There is a hero in all us that can bring light in the darkest times and inspire the new generation to be a better version of what we are today. Through togetherness, we can make 2021 a better year for everyone.


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