China builds a hospital in ten days

In the wake of the emergence of the coronavirus which has spread worldwide. The point of origin comes from the city of Wuhan, China. China’s reaction to the coronavirus is that the country built hospitals that were dedicated to monitor and treat coronavirus victims. They managed to build a hospital using modern construction techniques within ten days. To achieve this record, the hospital was constructed from prefabricated parts and assembled on-site. China has been a leading country in prefabricated buildings. In the past, China has built skyscrapers and hospitals using the technique to within weeks as the construction industry in China copes with the sudden increase in housing demands from the government and the public.

The hospital itself is a 60,000 square metre structure with space for 1,000 beds and 30 intensive care wards. The construction involved 7,000 carpenters, plumbers, electricians and other specialists who worked around the clock to build the hospital.

The use of modern technology and techniques showed that construction of buildings can be done at incredible speed. With countries unable to provide enough housing in high dense populations, these modern techniques shown by this unbelievable achievement will highlight ways in which the construction industry can develop and improve to cope with construction demands set by the market. With house prices booming and the increased risk for construction companies to make a profit, the use of prefabricated technologies is surely a good technique to adopt.  


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