Digital Trends 2020

Explore the digital trends of 2020 and see whether these will affect you personally or your business.

1. 5G

2020 will see the emergence of 5G with big companies such as Verizon, Qualcomm and ATT testing 5G networks at the tail end of 2019. The availability of 5G will benefit smart cars and other devices that need a real-time connection to receive and send data. Slowly you will see the availability of 5G enabled phones once a stable 5G network infrastructure is in place to handle the demand.

2. Next-generation WIFI

As well as the availability of 5G, the next-gen in WIFI connectivity will be made available ensuring faster connectivity and processing in a workplace, home or entertainment centre. Expect download speeds up to 3x faster than WIFI 5. WIFI 6 will be able to connect and deliver faster speeds to more devices. The reason for an upgrade in WIFI technology is due to the rise in the number of connected devices on a WIFI network and the amount of data that is flowing in and out of a home network. With the expansion of internet-connected devices and the emphasis on making our homes more smart and sustainable there is a greater need for a better WIFI network.

3. Analytics are key to gaining a competitive advantage

Investment in analytics is still key to a successful business. Companies that have not invested in data analytics will most likely not be in business by 2021. Flying blind and going on gut feeling will not cut it in the modern era of data analytics. High quantities of customer data can be collected; with the use of modern analytical tools, companies will be able to identify opportunities, problems and solutions that will benefit the company and customers. By identifying these areas, companies will be able to remain competitive and predict areas from which they can benefit. Real-time data processing in the future will enable the ability to acquire and process data in real-time will enable companies to react instantly.

4. AI and Machine Learning for data analytics

In order to process vast amounts of data and to see the results instantly in real-time, you will need to invest in AI and machine learning to speed up the data process, process huge quantities of data and save time processing the information when compared to humans data analysts.  AI and machine learning have improved over the years allowing them to be faster and more accurate when it comes to number crunching.

5. Blockchain moving beyond Cryptocurrency

Blockchain technology may finally mature past its initial Cryptocurrency application. The likes of Amazon, Samsung, Microsoft, IBM and Alibaba are experimenting with the technology. We may use the real-world application of Blockchain technology.


2020 sees improvements in internet connectivity, either on the go with the emergence of 5G or within the network with the introduction of WIFI which will allow more devices to be connected. AI and machine learning will continue to be a big thing this year, especially with the huge amount of data that companies can get from consumers. AI and machine learning will be a big factor for companies to be able to process vast amounts of data almost in real-time. Processing information in real-time will enable companies to adapt and react to changes in consumer habits or identify new opportunities and problems before they occur and have a huge impact on the company.


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