LG Transparent Display

LG has been working on a new concept of television; they have been working on transparent televisions. Their 55-inch prototype is not completely transparent but slightly opaque. Currently, the prototype is at 1080p resolution using OLED display technology. Their demo consists of having an object behind the screen and showing digital content on the screen in front.

Future Applications

The development of transparent televisions by LG shows other possible applications using this technology in addition to televisions. Another use of the technology is for shop front displays, providing digital interaction with physical products. Imagine a storefront with touchscreen and touching certain parts of the screen to highlight a certain specification of the product. An application of this could be useful for fashion retailers with mannequins that are wearing a number of products where the screen could animate prices or allow the customer to tap the screen to show the price of the product. The transparent display could also allow digital displays to play adverts around the product. If the transparent display could adjust its transparency during a digital advertisement, it could merge the boundaries of digital and physical reality like how augmented reality technology has.

LG Clear TV Prototype by Linus Tech Tips


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