Lenovo's foldable laptop

Foldable phones are 2019’s next big thing for smartphones however, Lenovo has taken the foldable screen concept to new heights by developing a foldable PC. Lenovo has managed to develop a premium foldable PC with the idea of making PCs portable and smaller. Lenovo has managed to create a 13.3 inch 2K OLED laptop that is able to fold to the size of a book. Although at a prototype stage, the foldable screen works as expected, however with some flaws such as the poor viewing angles and shifting of colours when viewed from certain angles. I hope that Lenovo sorts these issues out before the release in 2020. The foldable concept allows various ways to use the laptop either in full tablet mode, book mode or turned to its side and use it as a traditional laptop. By turning it on its sides you get a digital keyboard or writing pad which serves as the lower part of a traditional laptop. Though Lenovo has kept its specs under wraps, I suspect that the specs could be less powerful ensuring it is a fan-less laptop. By being fan-less it will allow the foldable laptop to be light, slim and portable.

It will be interesting to see the finished product and whether Lenovo solved the screen issues in the prototype. Just like Samsung, Lenovo will need to test the product intensively by testing to certain extremes that the customer may put the device through.


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