Spider-Verse Animation

Released at the end of 2018, Spider-Verse has won multiple accolades for best animated film. Created based on the most popular marvel character Spider-Man, the creators have used multiple artistic techniques to bring the Spider-Verse into life while staying with comic book print styles which makes the animation more unique and different to make the film become an award winning film animation.

The use of different styling techniques for different characters makes the film a little more edgy and unique. Various techniques such as cross-hatching for shading and animating on twos rather than creating on every frame which is the typical practice for animation. Animator decided not to use motion blur and instead used a technique called smear, which involved showing multiple limbs in frames to show movement.

Along with great story telling of Miles Morales of becoming Spider-Man and the difficulties he faced at the start of his superhero career and the discovery of multiple spider superheroes from different universes makes the film a great watch and stands out from the crowd.

Do check the video below by Movies Insiders to get an in-depth review of the techniques used to create this amazing animated film.

Fun Facts

  • It took 177 animators to create the film while it took 27 animators for Toy Story

  • Took animators 1 year to create 10 seconds of footage they were happy with

  • The scene in the dorm room which features all spider characters and only lasted a couple of minutes took 2 months to animate due to different techniques used for each individual spider character

How Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’ was animated by Movies Insider



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