5 Ways To Get Through An Creative Block

We have all been there when you are working on a project and you find it difficult to get through a mental block that is halting your creative flow and progress on your current project. Here are five ways to get through your creative block and progress with your project.

1. Take a Break and Get Outside

You have been stuck in a room trying to progress with your project. However taking a break and getting outside will first give your brain time to mentally rest but the change of scenery may help your brain see your problem from a different angle. Getting outside will have positive effects on your mental health and keeping a regular routine to go outside will give you more energy and you will be more productive.

2. Use a Notepad

When we have a project that is ongoing, we expect the finished product straight away. However, that is very unlikely that you will figure out the finished product straight away. You will generate tons of ideas during the process, its best to note them down no matter how small they are. By noting any ideas down, it may spark other ideas and potential ideas that will progress your project even further.

3. Have a Passion Project

Been stuck on a project for many hours will keep your mindset in a particular perception, which will block your creativity as your brain can only see from a certain perception. Start a passion project, which is a hobby that you have always wanted to pursue such as writing a novel, learning a new skill or designing something else will widen your perception and see different angles in your problem.

4. Be a Kid Again!

Just let loose and be a kid again, go play a video game, get your Lego bricks out and build a car or dance to music. By having fun; will freshen your mind as well as relax your mind from any stresses from your project and mentally you will be ready to pursue different avenues.

5. Accept It

Sometimes accepting that you have a creative block will help your brain to get through it. Just leave your project on the back burner for a bit and do something else. An idea may come to you that will make your end-result even better.

I hope that these top five handy tips have helped you get through that creative block that is halting your progress from creating something awesome. Remember you will get through it and finish your project. The end is near.

Make use of the stress relief music below to calm your mind. Go outside, take 5 deep slow breaths in and out.


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