Smartphone Trends 2019

2019 is well underway and a wave of smartphones are being released. Smartphone manufacturers are constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries in smartphone design. Here are the smartphone trends of 2019.

Foldable Smartphones

Royole was the first smartphone manufacturer to release a foldable phone however the implementation was rudimentarily. Samsung is heavily linked this year to release a foldable phone for consumer purchase known as Galaxy X. Other manufacturers are also rumoured to join the cause and release their own versions of foldable smartphones.  Google has announced that Android will be able to support foldable screens.

5G Smartphones

Over recent years we have been using 4G which is without a doubt sometimes much better than our home broadband. This year we will see the introduction of 5G smartphones that will make use of the new technology that is rumoured to be in testing this year, ready for 2021 or 2022 introduction

New Notches

Last year was the introduction of the notch to get that true bezel-less display. However, to get a step closer to increasing screen size, Samsung has been working on smartphones with different types of notches named Infinity-U, Infinity-O, Infinity-V and New Infinity displays.

More and More Cameras

The camera is always improving every year, last year we saw the introduction of multiple camera modules at different focal lengths. This year sees more smartphones with three or more cameras. Nokia is working on a 9-camera smartphone and Apple are working on triple camera setup in their next phone.

Embedded Fingerprint Reader

We have seen a decline on the use of the fingerprint scanner and turning to retina scanners in order to increase screen sizes however the development of embedded fingerprint readers in screen will bring back the option and enable a bezel-less display.


Five Samsung Galaxy phones unveiled


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