What is Quantum Computing?


You may have heard about quantum computers and they are powerful computers that can do things better than conventional computers. In order to understand Quantum computing you first need to understand how conventional computers work.

Conventional Computers

Computers are able to store and process numbers with simple mathematical operations like add, subtract and multiply. Complex operations by stringing together the simple operations into an algorithm. Algorithms are calculated via components called transistors; transistors can store either a number 1 or number 0. Long strings of ones and zeros are used to store any number, letters, or symbol using the code based on binary. Each zero or ones is called a binary bit (or bit). With a string of 8 bits you can store 255 different characters such as A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and most common symbols. Computers calculated by using circuits called logic gates, which consist of a number of transistors, connected together. Processor chips which are a square of a thumbnail are made up of hundreds of millions of transistors. Therefore, the more information you need to store the more binary ones and zeros which means more transistors you need to pack. The more complex problems need more steps, more time and more computing power to solve them. This is where Quantum computing comes in.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computers enter the realm of particles that can exist in more than one state at a time. In computing terms, the particles can be stored as either as a one or zero these are called quantum bits or known as qubits. Qubits can store more information and uses less energy to do so, this allows quantum computers can store multiple numbers at once which allows the numbers to be processed simultaneously. Instead of working on a series of things one at a time, quantum computers can do multiple things are once which means multiple calculations are being made a once.

How Useful Are Quantum Computers?

The ability to calculate complex numbers simultaneously will allow companies to calculate/predict business shares, invent new medicines and materials, and predict weather events and climate change. The world’s most influential companies like IBM, Google and the World’s government are investing in quantum computing technology to solve problems of today and the future. Imagine the ability to calculate the correct weather in the upcoming weeks and be ready for a sudden snowfall. We are making huge progress in quantum computing, however, the progress is slow so it will take a further amount of years before will start experiencing quantum computers in our homes.


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