What is AI?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, it is a computer or a group of computers that can do things that normally require intelligence when done by humans such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception and language understanding.

Different types of AI

  • Narrow AI – A system that has been taught to carry out specific tasks without being programmed how to do so, this is seen in speech and language recognition devices such as home assistants such as Siri, Google Now, Alexa and Bixby.

  • General AI – Adaptable systems that are capable of learning how to carry out various different tasks without having to be taught/coded to do that task in the first place. This is the most common image that individuals have when talking about general AI.

Is Machine Learning the Same as AI?

Machine learning contributes to AI which involves the system being given data and it slowly learns how to carry out a specific task either to crunch numbers, understand speech or identify a photograph.

A process of machine learning is neural networks involving interconnected layers of algorithms called neurons that feed data into each other processing huge amounts of data.

Machine learning is split into two main categories:

  • Supervised learning – a technique involving data being annotated to show features of interest, once the system has been trained then the system can apply the labels to new data to perform the task. Using this method requires millions of amounts of data in order for the system to learn and carry out the task effectively. Essentially, as the system processes more data the more accurate and precise system can perform the task accurately.

  • Unsupervised learning – this technique uses algorithms to identify patterns in data, looking for similarities that can be used to categorise the data. For example grouping news articles on the same topic.

  • Reinforced learning – this technique relies on maximising the data as it goes through trial and error until it arrives at the best possible outcome. You may see this example in films when they run an algorithm to break encryption.

Where is AI now?

Most of the tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon are leading the way for AI through their home assistants as they are constantly improving them, making them more intelligent and have more interactions than humans. China is leading the way with AI in technology as China is pursuing to turn AI into a core industry for the country with self-driving cars, they have started integrating AI into smartphone cameras which will allow AI to decide how to best capture that image.

The Future of AI

AI has plenty of potential to change different industry sectors and how operate.

  • Healthcare – The use of AI is processing scans and identifying the cause and the right cause of treatment for an individual. Imagine the AI can process the patient’s medical history and access the scans; using all the information it can provide the best possible treatment that has the highest recovery rate for that patient.

  • Facial recognition and surveillance – Using AI to track down fugitives, monitor motorways and spot potential hazards before they even happen.

  • Cars –To build cars and that drive autonomously and react to the complicated world of drivers in an instant.

  • Digital Marketing – To create content according to the audience and to react to certain changes in the market allowing content to adjust to the demand of the industry and be more customer-specific.

  • Google Duplex - Being able to make calls on your behalf with human-like interactions such as "hmm".


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