What is Cloud Computing?

 Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet, this service can range from servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and move. Companies that are offering these services are called cloud providers.

For most services you are using online, it is likely that cloud computing is making it all possible behind the scenes. Whether it is from sending emails, editing documents, streaming films or tv, listening to music, playing games or storing files, cloud computing is powering those services.

Cloud computing can do a number of things from the usual backing up data, hosting websites and streaming content to analysing data and creating new apps and services.

There are a number of benefits of using cloud computing:

  • Cost - Using cloud computing eliminates the need to purchase hardware and software to set up your own data centres as well as buy electricity and IT experts to maintain these servers.

  • Speed - Clouding-computing services are able to adapt to demand and computer resources are reallocated within minutes to match the demand.

  • Performance - Data centres are regularly upgraded to the latest generation of computing hardware, offering up-to-date hardware ensuring that performance is not hindered and reduced network latency for applications.

  • Reliability - Data are mirrored on multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network ensuring if a disaster happens, your business can continue to operate.

When using cloud services most of the data is stored somewhere in your country or in the world and can be accessed anytime. Unlike traditionally when files are saved on your local hard drive and can be only accessed via that computer. By using cloud computing, collaboration among other colleagues is easier and accessing the same files can never be easier.


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